Speed and endurance

If you practice speed, you will have speed, but to keep it will be a challenge,  same if you practice  or seek endurance.  Every gift has a cost. Remember, nothing is meant to last.

Don’t take anything for granted. Seize every moment by expressing and sharpening your skill to the fullest. This spear you have is for the battles you have at hand.

You must keep sharpening it, for its viciousness and swifteness are what determines the course of the rest of your life.

One day, it’ll age, and it’ll no longer be swift as it is today. For now, be a warrior with it, so when you no longer fight as you do today, you will be remembered as a great warrior who fought and won the battles that were set before you.

Again, don’t waste your gift being too comfortable and undisciplined with it.
Treat it as if it is sacred for it is. Not many humans get to have the ability to push themselves like you do.

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