Turn of the noise

Your mind is capable of turning off the noise and lights around you.You can feel alone in a crowded place because your mind has a stronger desire to be in a place that is electrified by someone who lights up your soul.
This same mind is capable of being centered and fortified from distraction.

Through visualization, the mind can do astounding things.
If you’re a sprinter, try gazing only on your lane, pull the finish line closer. Turn off the distracting lights and the noises around you. Now there’s only you and your lane.

To pull that finish line that holds your destiny physically to you, you must push harder to it with everything you’ve got. You must be efficient with your attack,  fluent with your form, viciously untamed and intentional with every stride and hungry with every breath.

You have the power in you to pierce through the wind and gravity that resists your forward motion. You’re powerful if you silence everything, and you’ll be able not to just pierce the fog but seize and live what’s beyond it.

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