Have a strong belief

Saying you are ready is not enough! you have to visualize, see yourself conquering that challenge with your mind before you conquer it physically, saying you’re ready is just a word we mask ourselves with but doubts is what circles in our mind. The pressure will squeeze our thoughts and questions will start to arise, Will I do better, Will I finish this, I’m I good enough, What if I fail, What do others think of me, I’m afraid of failure, What if it becomes too painful, the more we focus on these thoughts and let them run our mind it will weaken our spirit and lead us to not doing our best.
Faith must come first before anything, for there is something deep down inside of us that determines whether you are ready. The best of intentions are not good enough if you are not willing to go through what you have to go through in order to be ready. Pain is the gate to success, it is success that you seek, then you mustn’t be afraid to enter that gate of pain when you come across it. Pitfalls will happen and your quest to achieve what you believe its your destiny will never be smooth,as we all know it that all roads are rough, so never embark with a soft heart if you wish not to be broken.  In every quest that we have chosen, whether it is small or big, You have to have self-discipline, determination, perseverance and self-control, there are times when the going will get tough than you thought it would be, excuse will try to eclipse your heart and leave you with the thoughts of giving up, moments like those are the moments you need to be stronger than ever, make a sacrifice no matter how uncomfortable it will be, just adapt and find comfort in discomfort, because wanting something is not enough, you have to be willing to go through everything!
Blessings finds those who are of faith, whether you are in a journey of facing an epic battle You have to believe that you can do it and overcome them, you have to believe that you are already a success.  
Reaching a goal is one of the most empowering moments of our lives. for a few it is accomplished with maturity but for most of the time it is confidence, hard work, belief and learning from failures and defeat! 
With every dream and ambition that is rooted in our heart, we must work and work hard, acknowledging rest will come later than quitting to find it, do what you do like you’re passionate about it, believe in your ability, for behind every work there’s a result of what you believe.  If you believe appropriately then you will do appropriately because you want to, not because you are obligated to. Wanting it becomes a hunger that wants something so bad and that leads to disappointment and failure, Doing and expecting good things leads to victory….
 I’m not a prophet nor I have no magical remedy for changing how you think, but I am strongly certain our beliefs is the key to changing our lives. I tend to speak from the heart, for I know in the deepest core of our sole we have to believe that we can accomplish anything. Being of such a positive belief It has to drive you, it has to fuel you and it has to be the motivational force behind your success. Without believing in yourself is like jumping out of a plane without parachute, only fools and those who are destined to doom do that! in life always love what you do and you will never get tired of doing it. If you dwell in faith, doubts will not linger you down, you will always find a way where it seems to be no way, for we were created to succeed, so look further beyond the fences that you see, find a goal, then soar like an arrow. Above all always find a way to stay motivated, for if you are motivated you will want to push harder, for motivation is the key to unlocking your faith in yourself.  Also success is a mindset, it is in our belief that everyone is already successful, you just have to believe that, because failure is not why you were created or why you’re suffering or struggling for so long.  Failure does not have to be a part of life, but if it stands like a beacon in your life, it is there to make you stronger; when new beliefs are accepted and change is desired and action is taken, success happens!!!  Remember right believing ALWAYS leads to right living!

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