Behold, Kenya Team for the Paris Olympics

May this be the greatest team Kenya has ever assembled.
In this glorious journey to the grandest stage of all and beyond the finish line. May everyone be healthy, optimistic, supportive of each other, stay innately disciplined like warriors our culture has cultivated and our parent’s expect each of us to be, and in the things you say and do, be great ambassadors to the sport and Kenya. Don’t take the gravity of this opportunity lightly or anything for granted.  Becoming an Olympian is a dream. You must dedicate every fiber of your being to it, for not many can become who you are.

Congratulations to everyone who made this sacred team. May you all write epic stories with the feats you’ll have. May it inspire your village and people of where you come from and even beyond the rivers, mountains, and other oceans.  So have no fear of who you’re going to face no matter what type of a giant they are or how fast they have been. Victory is not promised to anyone. it’s an uphill battle, so prepare to run the greatest and most bravest race of your life. It belongs to those who want it the most, so it better be you.
There’s going to be three medals. One of them is yours, only you can decide which color it’s going to be.

Until then, from one warrior to another, do not forget to pray, meditate, and visualize. Feel nothing that does not strengthen you. Do nothing that weakens you. Trust the process. It’s the warriors’ way.

And to all Kenyans who will be cheering,  following and supporting  these phenomenal athletes, and I urge you to be kind to them. This dream is the core of their career. Don’t let your expectations  of them break their spirit. Remember,  they’re human too, and this journey, especially carrying the hopes of the entire nation, is not an easy task.

In victory and in defeat,  keep showing them love, for they do what they do for the country they love.

🦁 🫶 🇰🇪

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